Unveiling the Gut-Brain Axis: How Microbes Shape Mental Health May 02, 2024


In the intricate world of human biology, the gut holds more sway over our mental well-being than we might realize. Beyond its digestive duties, the gut hosts a bustling community of microbes, colle...

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A JOURNEY TO MAINTAINANCE diet health coach tips weight loss Apr 04, 2024

We all talk about “Dieting” and “Not dieting” but who’s talking about maintenance? Seriously, when is the last time you’ve heard someone, who isn’t a physique competitor talk about being in “maintenan...

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YOUR DIET SHOULD FEEL LIKE A SPA DAY gut healing gut reset health coach tips weight loss Jan 04, 2024

“If your new lifestyle plan doesn’t feel like a spa vacation, then you are doing it wrong”


              Welcome to WELLNESS SEASON 2024 my friends and today, us coaches and participants are chatt...

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AN UNPOPULAR PERSPECTIVE ON HEALTH COACHING health coach business how to coach Jan 04, 2024


By: Coach Britt (HWCA & Buddha Belly Life)

    "Leave it all on the table" 

    "You can rest when you are dead"

  I cringe every time I see business coaches promoting thi...

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RESTORING THE GUT FOR INTUITIVE EATING coffee and gut health health coaching intuitive eating nutrition May 05, 2023

"Intuitive Eating" is a recently popular term used to empower individuals against "diet culture" and its perceived limitations of "good" and "bad." 

Intuitive Eating (IE) is sited as "an evidence-bas...

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IS COFFEE GIVING YOU A DISORDER? adhd tips anxiety coffee and gut health gut health mental health May 05, 2023

You sit down to work, organize your space, pull out your list after a morning of working out, hauling kids and traffic. You are READY to ROCK your day... but your brain just won't focus. You are insta...

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TOP QUESTIONS : THE BUSINESS OF HEALTH COACHING health coach business May 03, 2023



We recently asked our HWCA community to share their biggest obstacles and questions about coaching, be it their business or the practice of working with clients...

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